‘Memòria i carrer’

| Conference
‘Memòria i carrer’

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Cycle of activities on the Second Republic organized by the Regiduria de Cultura, Patrimonio, Memòria Històrica i Política del AJuntament de Palma and la Conselleria de Cultura, Participació i Esports del Govern Balear. It is celebrated in Palma from April 11 to November 16, 2018 and offers lectures with specialist interventions in this era and musical performances.

April 11
. 7:30 p.m. Teatre Municipal Catalina Valls
Screening of the documentary Emili Darder (1895-1937), by Margalida Blanquer.

April 14th. 12:00 h. Passeig del Born
Concert of the Municipal Band of Palma
Conference: Music and Republic, by Joaquim Esteve

April 27. 7:00 p.m. Plaça de Monsenyor Mairata (Son Sardina)
Lecture by Antoni Marimon

25 of May. 7:00 p.m. Gardens of the Sagrat Cor school (Son Espanyolet)
Conference by Joan Lacomba and Àlex Volney. With intervention by relatives of reprisals

June 29. 7:00 p.m. Plaça de Can Ribes (La Soletat)
Lecture by Pep Vílchez and Maria Antònia Oliver

September 28. 7:00 p.m. Cases de Son Ametler (El Viver)
Lecture by Margalida Capellà

October 5th. 7:00 p.m. Plaça de l'Església (the Pil·larí)
Lecture by Tomeu Carrió Trujillano

Nov. 16. 7:00 p.m. Teatre Mar i Terra
Lecture by Albert Herranz

(Palma de Mallorca)




11 April 2018



16 November 2018

- Palma de Mallorca

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