Festes de S'Illot

| Celebration
Festes de S'Illot

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S'Illot recovers in August its eminently maritime spirit with its patron saint festivities, the most anticipated by this seaside resort of Manacor. They are celebrated from 10 to 19 of this month with proposals such as la Sombrillada, a night fair, its procession of lanterns and, among others, the gambada sillotera, a sopar a la fresca that brings together many neighbors and visitors in a festive atmosphere.


Friday, August 10
9:00 p.m. Proclamation by Catalina Mesquida, better known as na Cati de l'Spar de s'Illot. Ronda del Martí
Next, concert of the Municipal Band of Music of Manacor

Saturday 11
07:00 h. Meeting of fishermen in front of La Nàutica
08:00 h. Departure of the fishermen. In front of La Nàutica
12:00 h. Delivery of fish, weighing and delivery of prizes
5:00 p.m. Workshop for children fishermen. Plaça del Mollet
From 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fiesta Holi. Football field
22:00 h. Sombrillada with musical animation. Beach of s'Illot

Sunday 12
08:00 h. Meeting of children fishermen. Avinguda dels Pins
From 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Children's water park. Poliesportiu
5:00 p.m. T @ rde @. Plaça del Mollet
9:00 p.m. Great foam party. Plaça del Llop

Monday 13
10:00 h. Workshop of llanternes. Fruites i Verdures Ca Na Càndida will give a melon to each child. Avinguda dels Pins
21:15 h. Procession of lanterns accompanied by the xeremiers. Departure from the El Puente del torrente and arrival at the Plaza del Mollet
22:00 h. Teatre a la fresca: Picarols S.A., by the group Argelagues Teatre de Son Macià. Plaça del Llop

Tuesday 14
From 10:00 to 12:00 h. Drawing sample. Arcos Beach Apartments. Plaça de la Savina
7:00 p.m. Trofeu festes patronals of judo s'Illot 2018. Plaça del Mollet
9:00 p.m. Nit Marinera, shrimp sillotera. Marine night with dinner, line-dance by Jaume and Aina and Madò Pereta as special guest.

Wednesday 15
6:00 p.m. Mass in honor of  Mare de Déu de l'Assumpta
6:30 p.m. Transfer of  Mare de Déu de l'Assumpta to the pier. With the performance of the band of cornets and drums of la Salle de Manacor. Itinerary: Carrer del Vell Marí, Avinguda dels Pins, Carrer del Pageli and esplanada del muelle
7:30 p.m. Maritime procession and transfer of the Mare de Déu to the parish
9:00 p.m. II Trobada de ball en línea de s'Illot. By Jaume and Aina. Square in front of la puente del torrente.

Thursday 16
5:00 p.m. Playful games for children. Organized by the Associació d'Amics Silloters. Carrer Murta. Important to bring a bicycle
4:00 p.m. Weekly market Camí de la Mar
9:30 p.m. 10th edition of Dans'illot. Plaça del Mollet

Friday 17
10:30 h. Festa de la Gent Gran. Avinguda dels Pins
5:00 p.m. Children's games in the sand. Beach of s'Illot
From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Bus of the Associació de Donants de Sang de Mallorca. Avinguda dels Pins
22:00 h. Performance of the group Dfonut Tòxic. Plaça del Llop
22:30 h. Gran Revetla sillotera with the groups La Movida Band and InRock (The New Concept of Rock). Plaça del llop

Saturday 18
10:00 h. Kite workshop In front of the Hotel Pinomar
11:00 h. Vela Latina
5:00 p.m. XII Night Fair of s'Illot. Exhibition and sale of artisan and native products of the Balearic Islands. Avinguda del Llop and Avinguda dels Pins
7:30 p.m. bails social de Lindy Hop with SwingSick People. Plaça del Llop
9:30 p.m. Ball de bot with Grup Puig de Bonany. Plaça del Llop

Sunday 19
07:30 h. Carrying of boats to the esplanade of La Nautica
09:30 h. Work brake
12:00 h. Contest of paellas silloteres. Avinguda dels Pins. Information: 610 78 93 94
7:00 p.m. VI Trobada de gegants. Los gigantes en Vicenç, na Catalina, en Domingo, na Catalineta, Mossèn Alcover and en Picarolet de Manacor, will meet Jaume Belluguins, n'Angelina Trebolina, Salvador Galmés and Rosset Bailó de Sant Llorenç des Cardassar to dance together accompanied by the xeremiers of the Puig de sa Font. In front of the torrent bridge
9:00 p.m. Habaneras by Sa Ron dalla of the Associació de Persones Majors de Campos. Plaça del Llop
23:30 h. Great fireworks. Beach of s'Illot






10 August 2018



19 August 2018

S'Illot - Manacor

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