| Celebration
Sant Crist de la Sang procession

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On the afternoon of Maundy Thursday (Jueves Santo), a procession is held, the longest of the ones performed during these days. The different steps and images of Christ and la Dolorosa, are the central figures of a long pilgrimage through the streets of the municipalities of Mallorca. Before the procession takes place, a solemn mass is performed in the churches commemorating the Lord’s Supper, with the ceremony that recalls the washing of Christ’ feet.

Departure: 19:00 h. Església de l'Anunciació

Itinerary: Plaça Hospital, Costa de la Sang, carrer dels Oms, carrer de Sant Miquel, Plaça Major, Plaça Marqués del Palmer, carrer Colom, Plaça de Cort, carrer de Palau Reial and the catedral de Palma.

(Palma de Mallorca)



18 April 2019

19:00 h.

Palça de l'Hospital - Palma de Mallorca

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