| Multidisciplinary

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A proposal that combines music, theater, poetic recital and Catalan song from the novel Lítica, for which its author Lucia Pietrelli was awarded the Lletra d 'prize Or 2020.

With the stage direction by Toti Fuster and adaptation by the Italian writer herself, who has lived in Mallorca for years, the actress Mercè Sampietro, the mezzo-soprano Lorena Medina and the pianist Maria Victòria Cortès take part.

Lítica is part of the III Festival Mallorcòpera.

Pati del Col·legi Fra Joan Ballester

Pati del Col·legi Fra Joan Ballester

From 15 €


18 August 2021

20:00 h.

Carrer Pare Alzina - Campos

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