32a Setmana del Llibre en Català

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32a Setmana del Llibre en Català

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32st edition of the Setmana del Llibre en Català (Catalan Book Week) organized by the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca y and the Consell de Mallorca. It is celebrated in the courtyard of the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia de Palma from October 28 to November 1 and 11 bookstores, as well as institutions, participate in it. This year's motto is Llegeix com vius (read how you live).

During these days showing the latest novelties and editions will be carried out parallel activities such talk shows to book presentations, workshops, storytelling or poetry readings. Program.




28 October 2021

10:00 h.



01 November 2021

From 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 h.


Plaça de l'Hospital, 4 - Palma de Mallorca
(0034) 971 21 95 00

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