Day of the Bookstores

| Celebration
Day of the Bookstores

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La Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros (CEGAL) celebrates the Day of the Bookstores, which this year is celebrated on November 13, with a campaign to which the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca has adhered.

Libraries Day has been celebrated since 2011, although this year the date is marked by health circumstances. That is why the campaign will revolve around the rooting of bookstores with their neighborhoods and their reading communities, which is allowing to overcome many of the difficulties imposed by the Covid19 crisis.

With a 5% discount on purchases, and activities in physical and virtual format, the campaign will also affect the adaptability of bookstores and the collective projects that unite them. Check the activities.






13 November 2020

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