| Theatre
'Les fures de Llorenç Villalonga'

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Adapted and directed by Aina de Cos, Les fures de Llorenç Villalonga closes the Literactua del Silenci cycle. Vides amagades en l'entorn de la indústria turística presented by Produccions de Ferro.

3 theatrical pieces based on 3 literary works for 3 performers set: Caterina Alorda, Agnès Llobet and Joan Toni Sunyer.

In Les fures (2002), Llorenç Villalonga draws a fresh and entertaining panorama of deep Mallorca and the people who inhabited the author's childhood years. Catalan language.

Club Pollença

Club Pollença

From 12 €


02 April 2023

20:00 h.

Plaça Major, 10 - Pollença

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