13th Jazz Voyeur Festival offers three free ..." />
Master class 13 Jazz Voyeur Festival

| Music
Master class 13 Jazz Voyeur Festival

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In addition to the concerts and the film series, the 13th Jazz Voyeur Festival offers three free Master class in Palma. The objective is to offer high-level training and to strengthen ties between concert performers, musicians, students and fans, allowing each year to expand the creative horizons of our community.

Master class

November 21
Dulce Pontes
Desde lo más profundo del corazón
Place: Trui Teatre
Hours: 6:00 p.m.

November 28
Marco Mezquida

Hablaremos de música, de ilusión, de disciplina...
Place: Trui Teatre
Hours: 4:00 p.m.

December 7th
Bridget Bazile & Vincent Balse

Viajar en la música, de África a las Américas
Place: Son Amar
Hours: 6:00 p.m.



(Palma de Mallorca)




21 November 2020

18:00 h.



07 December 2020

- Palma de Mallorca

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