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Since Brexit has been postponed until January 31, 2020, the Brexit Blues cycle, held between December 2018 and May 2019, has also been extended until January 28. The finishing touch to this cycle will be Morganway, one of the most powerful new bands in the English pop-rock scene.

The group is led by the brothers Callum (vocals and bass) and Kieran Morgan (solo guitar). The sextet is completed by SJ Mortimer (vocals and electric guitar), Nicole Terry (violin and vocals), Matt Brockelhurst (keyboards and vocals) and Ed Bullinger (drums).



28 January 2020

20:00 h.

Carrer de la Riera, 2A - Palma de Mallorca
(0034) 971 71 33 46
(0034) 971 21 96 96

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